Our Quality Policy
Sangamam Polymers strives to achieve the highest standards of customer service and product quality. Sangamam Polymers developed and implemented a quality management system to better satisfy the needs of its customers and to improve management of the company. The system covers the processes of the company that result in the products it provides to its customers. In addition, objectives have been established to allow Sangamam Polymers to achieve the highest standards for its products which are measured and monitored to evaluate the effectiveness of the quality management system.
All our employees are aware of their role in the quality management system and the progress the organization is making in meeting its objectives. The quality management system is designed to communicate the expectations of the customer, established controls that foster a culture of commitment to excellence, and promote competency and awareness of responsibilities through training and management reviews. The effectiveness of the quality management system is monitored by management to ensure objectives are being pursued and when appropriate improvement plans are put into place.